Hello, and welcome to the Vanishing Vault :)
My name is Dusko, a dad, web dev, failed life coach, wannabe bass player, and a TTRPG enthusiast.
I got back into the hobby after 15-20 years break and oh boy did a lot of things change.
The vibrant OSR/NSR community I found, along with its DIY and sharing attitude, were a really nice surprise and an inspiration to try and make something myself.
And so the Vanishing Vault was born.
What is the Vanishing Vault?
It's a mysterious place of wonder, full of random trinkets made by a slightly mad mage who likes to tinker with a lot of things.
Not all of it is necessarily good, but he has fun doing it and that's what counts, right?
Since life has its ways of taking over, when his focus is elsewhere the vault has been known to disappear for unknown periods of time, only to show up again when his interest in making new stuff comes back.
I hope you find the trinkets useful :)